The august birthday of Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) was the best of the humans ever born anywhere on earth.

This praise is for Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) The Leader of the Universe and the Hereafter of genii and of men, the Guide of both the groups, from Arabia and the non-Arabian World. He surpasses all the Prophets both inn appearance and in qualities, None could approximate or reach his rank in knowledge and generosity.

Mr. President and worthy audience, the lovely flower bloomed forth in Makkah, the famed town of the Arabian peninsula, during a memorable spring. According to the local calendar it was Monday, 12th Rabi-ul-Awwal, the Year of the Elephant. The date according to the Christians calendar, was April 22, 571 A.D. It is a very important day for the Muslims of the world and we all celebrate the Holy Prophet's nativity with great pomp and show. Hazrat Gibrail Alaihis Salam brings a 'Parwan' and keeps it on SIDRATUL MUNTAHA and asks the other angels to distribute it in the whole universe. Fazeelat of MEHFIL-A-MELAD is that benediction of God descends from the sky only on two categories of people, those who extablish "SALAT" regularly and who recite "DAROOD SHARIF" off and on. Please have a look that if want to face the forthcoming worst conditions, we should recite "DAROOD SHARIF" excessively to invoke the blessings of God. The Holy Quran declares:

"Allah and His Angels send blessings on Hazrat Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him)! O believers! You too pray for blessings and Salute Him!

We are the followers of one faith and being Muslims, we should make a vow to lead our lives in accordance with the sayings of our Holy Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him).

The infidels have started making conspiracies against Islam. We should create the atmosphere of brotherhood in our ranks to face them and should make our hearts free from all types of "TASSUB" either it may be of sectarianism, caste, creed or color because any heart bearing "TAASSUB" cannot contain "EIMAN".

Time demands us to demonstrate a complete unity and solidarity for the integrity and existence of the country. We pray Almighty Allah for all the Muslims and especially for Pakistan for her safety and prosperity.


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