One who trains and educates three or two daughters or sisters, out of fear of Allah will go to paradise (even if the number is one).

Mr. President and gentlemen, in human spirit there can never be anything more enriching than education. Learning is the essence of life and life sparkles only when it is accompanied with light of education. Man is born not to stand at the shore but plunge into the ocean of realities of life and plunging is not enough, unless he is expert in the art of swimming. A child deprived of education and parental guidance is better to be unborn.

Sir, the very great importance to learning in Islam is illustrated by an event in the life of the Holy Prophet (Peace be Upon Him). At the battle of Badr, n which the Holy Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) was victorious, seventy of his enemies war taken as prisoners. Now, these captives were all literate people. So, in order to benefit form their education, the Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) declared that if each prisoner taught ten Medinan children how to read and write, that would serve as his ransom and he would be set free. This was the first school in the history of Islam, established by the Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) himself. It was of no matter to him that all its teachers were non-Muslims, all were prisoners of war, and all were likely to create problems again for Islam and Muslims once they were released. This Sunnah of the Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) showed that whatever the risk involved, education was paramount.

Mr. President, education of a child begins at home and the first and foremost duty in the building of a great and popular personality lies on the shoulders of the parents. Their positive role can shape up what Wordsworth pointed out "child is the father of man." Just buying books is not enough unless the habit of self-discipline and refinement of manners, self-help and distinction between right and wrong, good and bad are inculcated very consciously early in life. But it is important to note that the fundamental principle in educating a child is to shield him against the society of evil men.

Worthy audience wise and far-sighted parents treat their kids according to their temperament. They always try to control the child from any kind of excursiveness. Most of the parents generally impose unnecessary restrictions upon the child, such as, harsh attitude, unjust act, insult, torture, always handle strictly, bound to follow the orders. To entrust anything strongly against the child's wishes deforms his self-confidence. Child feels unsuccessful and weak in that position. If a child commits a fault, it should be overlooked the first time. If, however, the fault is repeated, the child should be handled with tact and sympathy and should be given a warning in private. Parents and teachers must not be always finding faults, for by so doing the warning loses its effect. If a child is tired, get him sleep in the night only as day time sleeping induces idleness and makes him lazy, if the child is disturbing with any particular thing, divet his attention, if the child has any genuine demand, try to fulfil it. Whenever a child does something good, he should be encouraged by a word of praise. He must be taught to obey his parents, teachers, instructors and everyone  who is older than himself. He must behave towards them with respect and honor.

Worthy audience, parents should be a specimen of ideal character before the child. They should adopt good manners and keep it in mind that a child does copy their role in everyday life. It is important to behave politely and truthfully in daily affairs. It is their obligation to infuse a new vigor and zeal and motivate the child to get up early in the morning everyday at least one hour before the sun rises. It not only has a good effect on his mind but also the entire body and physical system. A child thus can keep his body healthy by breathing in the fresh and open air. Above all, he can offer morning prayer that gives real spiritual joy and peace of heart. Similarly, physical exercise, games athletics and excursions can also prove very helpful in strengthening the mind after long hours of work. Therefore, games and sports must not be considered as idle pursuits. After school hours, a child must get time to play, otherwise too much work will make his mind dull, and he will begin to hate his books.

Worthy President, if the teacher punishes a child, the child must not make a fuss over it not seek anybody's intervention but be patient. He must be told that to bear punishment with patience is an act of bravery. A child must not be allowed to do anything in secret for one does in secret only what one considers evil. If he has the habit of doing anything openly, he will not do anything bad. To monitor a child's progress is imperative. The parents should make a monthly visit to the School and see if the child actively participates in reading, recitation and writing in addition to checking school reports regularly.

My friends, it is incumbent upon the parents as well as the teachers to make all necessary arrangements for the training of the children on truly Islamic lines, inculcating in them, all the positive values, habits and attitudes. In case of apathy, indifference and slackness on the part of the parents in this regard may damage the personality of the child.


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