One should put total trust in God, His Guardian and Protector.

Mr. President and worthy audience, today I have the honor to speak to you regarding a particular topic that is "RECREATIONAL ACTIVITIES HAVE GREAT EDUCATIONAL VALUE". Recreational activities as a part of education nourish the basic instincts of life such as creativity, enthusiasm and analytical capability. The chill out stress and tension in people's lives. These in turn support individuals to excel academically in and area of their interest.

Worthy audience, the education around thirty/forty years ago was very different than from what it is today and so was the lifestyle. Children in those days used to have ample spare time which they utilized in perusing their hobbies. These include collection of items such as antique things or stamps, indoor and outdoor games, performing arts, cooking gardening, reading books, sewing, painting etc. With advancement in science and technology, education and life-style have both become competitive. There has been a great change in approach and methodology f education. Many of teaching where memorizing the information is considered education.

Mr. President, the problem is more complex in cities where different standard of education with a wide range of curriculum have been adopted in schools, None of the schools, with a few exceptions, have an adequately trained faculty. This adversely affects the teaching quality, resulting in most students memorizing that lesson; a few reasonably understand the content and hardly any one manages to generate their own ideas in different subjects. Almost all need extra support that they get by attending tuition classes, in order to prepare themselves to secure good grades in examination. You would please agree that the students are generally busy in school size days a week for around six to eight hours whereas in most schools they get daily homework which requires around two to four hours to complete. Most school-going students attend daily tuition classes extending form one to two hours. This daily schedule leaves no free time for any other activity.

Sir, it is an admitted fact that children studying a similar syllabus in developed countries are neither given extensive homework nor are they expected to attend tuition classes to prepare themselves for their examination. On the contrary, they are encouraged to regularly spend their spare time in recreational activities ranging in vast variety of hobbies. Whereas, watching television, playing computer games, chatting on the phone are the only pastimes of school-going children here, they overshadow the other previously popular recreational activities which involved physical activity, creativity and analytical thinking. As far as outdoor sports are concerned, most boys like playing cricket. Unfortunately, they do not get a supportive environment for the game. Many parents too, instead of suggesting to their children to keep a balance between education and recreational activities, emphasize to concentrate more on acquiring education in order to get good grades right from the beginning. They consider recreational activities as a waste of time.

Worthy President, many parents say that children have their whole lives ahead for pursuing recreational activities but they only have these few years of school. Little do they realize that recreational activities are acquired at childhood and with time they help to groom the inborn potential that has a significant role in personality building. It too has its role in a successful career.

In the light of what I have illustrated, it is not difficult to estimate the supreme significance of recreational activities as a part of education. They are not only indispensable and vital for the individual uplift, but also for the common good of the nation and the society.


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