God Almighty. out of His infinite mercy, sends such devoted and sincere men, who lead their ship out the whirlpool of trails to the shore of dignity and prosperity. Mr. President and worthy audience, we have gathered here to pay homage to the QUAID-E-AZAM MUHAMMAD ALI JINNAH who united scattered people and brought them safely to the Promised Land. Mr. Jinnah started his political career as an ardent Congress leader and a Champion of Hindu-Muslim unity. But the anti-Muslim attitude of the Indian National Congress and other hypocritical activities compelled Jinnah into retaliation. He could see no other way to raise the voice of the Muslims unless they had their own strong organization Muslim League. The entry of Quaid-e-Azam in the All-India Muslim League was a great blessing in disguise. Not only did he reorganize a disorganized Muslim League but pleaded the cause of the Muslim freedom due to his political acumen, that no one else could have done. With his dynamic leadership, th...