Knowledge has been set forth in the Qur'an and the Hadith and can be acquired only by our own research and endeavors.

پۓ علم چوں شمع باید گداخت
کہ بے علم نتواں خدا را شناخت

علم حاصل کرنے کے لئے شمع کی طرح پگھلنا چاہۓ کیونکہ بے علم تو الله کی پہچان نہیں کر سکتا
شیخ سعدیؒ

Mr. President and gentlemen, the topic under discussion is "KNOWLEDGE IS POWER". It is an acknowledged fact that the training of the human minds is incomplete without knowledge and no individual is a human being in the proper sense unless he has equipped himself with the light of knowledge. Knowledge itself is power, says Francis Bacon; and those who are deprived of it, fail to make the best use of the rest of their powers. In Islam, knowledge has been turned as worship as it illuminates the inner self and wipes out all darkness. In acquisition of knowledge, man should melt himself like a candle otherwise he fails to recognize even God that He is the Creator and Sustain-er of all creatures. Without knowledge, man is shut up in a windowless room, and with knowledge, he finds himself in a room with all its windows open to the outside world.

علم ایک لازوال دولت ہے    علم اک بے مثال طاقت ہے

Sir, knowledge is an imperishable wealth and unprecedented power. It is as vital and indispensable for the individual uplift as air, water and food is imperative to live on. What carries man to the peak of the dignity, fame and status, is surely knowledge. It was knowledge which established Ada,'s superiority over the angles. It was knowledge which enabled man to prove himself the vicegerent of God and the master of the earth. In this capacity, man's status and rank is superior to other creatures. When the Qur'an began to be revealed, the first word of its first verse was "Iqra" that is, "Read." The Qur'an also states:

وَقُل رَّبِّ زِدْنِي عِلْمًا - 20:114
اور آپ کہہ دیجیئے کہ میرے رب میرے علم میں اضافہ فرما۔
O my Lord! Advance me in knowledge.

In another Quranic Verse Allah says:

فَاسْأَلُوا أَهْلَ الذِّكْرِ إِن كُنتُمْ لَا تَعْلَمُونَ - 21:7
اگر تم کو یہ بات معلوم نہ ہو تو اہل کتاب سے دریا فتک کر لو

If ye know this not, ask those who possess knowledge. Learning is thus, the starting point of every successful human activity.

Sir, knowledge was the inheritance of the Prophets - and secret of man's greatness. When the Prophets left the mortal abode, they did not leave behind worldly wealth and coins except the wealth of knowledge. God sent our Holy Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) as a guide and teacher and bestowed upon him more knowledge that all Prophets. He advised his followers to seek knowledge from the cradle to the grave. His pious companions and devoted followers got knowledge day and night and spread it light all the world over and glittered like stars. In fact, it was the impact of our Prophet's training and education that the illiterate became the leader and guide of the civilized world. All the books of Hadith have a chapter on knowledge. In Sahih Bukhari Sharif, there is a chapter entitled "The virtue of one who acquires learning and imparts it to others. " In the Hadith, the scholar is accorded great respect. According to one tradition, the ink of a scholar's pen is more precious than the blood of a martyr, the reason being that while a martyr is engaged in the task of defense, a scholar (alim) build individuals and nations along positive lines,. In this way, he bestows upon the world a real life treasure.

Worthy President, innumerable sayings of the Holy Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) show the importance of knowledge.

"The way to heaven is paved for the person in pursuit of knowledge." 
"Seek knowledge, even if it requires you to got to China. " 
"He dies not, who seeks knowledge." 
"An hour's contemplation on God's creating is better than seventy years of adoration." 
"The search for knowledge is a duty laid on every Muslim." 
"The superiority of a scholar over an ignorant man is as obvious as the brightness of the full moon in dark nights." 
"Quest for learning is atonement for past sins." 
"Knowledge and wisdom are your lost treasures; seek them wherever they are." 
"Nothing in the world is better than the collecting of knowledge." 
" He who conceals his knowledge will be chained with fire." 
"A taste for research is  half of learning." 
"One who seeks knowledge finds the read to paradise easier." 

"Knowledge of the Qur'an and the Hadith shows that our Holy Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) as a matter of fact has been called the city of knowledge, Hazrat Abu Bakar as the founder, Hazrt Umar-e-Farooq, the wall of the city and Hazrat Usman, the roof and Hazrat Ali, the door of it."

Therefore, it is important for a Muslim whether male or female to study various branches of knowledge to enlighten and cure all miseries. Let us never forget that knowledge is the real wealth and once we realize it, the whole universe will be at our disposal.


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