Say: "He is God, The One, The eternally besought of all. He begets not, nor was He begotten. And there is none comparable to Him".

Mr. President and worthy audience, the proposition that has been presented in the house is "PARENTS ARE THE BEST TEACHER OF A CHILD". A mere casual look on it compels me to regard it highly realistic and justified.

Sir, more lovely and the most lovely child grows up under the loving care of his parents with no idea when light becomes in the morning and when it becomes dark in the evening. His heart is like a fine and clean mirror susceptible to all impressions. He is indeed a trust in the hands of the parents and they should assume and do it enthusiastically. Our Holy Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) said: It is a test; one who passes the test will be safe from hell.

Mr. President, as a guardian, parent's foremost responsibility is to educate the children based on sound moral principles because the very great importance attached to education is the formation of character. Their chief object is to develop and improve their hidden qualities in such a way that they may be able to understand  the difference between God and Satan, evil and good, right and wrong. Accordingly, the early years in a child's life are of paramount importance as a Roman Catholic Cardinal once said: "Give us the children up to seven years old, and you can have them the rest of their lives".. It is a fact that during this period personalities can be molded in any way. The parents have the ability to teach and guide them in a logical and intelligent way.

Sir, parents are their children's first and most powerful moral teachers, so make sure that the moral behavior your kids are picking up from you are ones that you want them to copy. Your life should be a living example of good moral behavior for your child to see. Your honesty will teach them to be truthful; your trust in your children will help them to be trustworthy; your generosity will teach them to care for others. Your gentleness will teach them kindness. Your positive attitude about life will bring more smiles and hope into them. Praying with your children tells them that God is real and that you really trust him. Morality helps a child to lead a good and fulfilling life. Research says that parents who have clear moral convictions are more likely to raise good children because they live their moral beliefs and prioritize them in their daily living.

Mr. President, parents today can no longer sit back and assume that their kids will become decent human beings. They will have to take the reins in their own hands to raise moral children. The Prophet of Islam once observed, "The best among you is one who is best for his children".This applies to all individuals, be they men or women, young or old. If there is a strong bond between the parents and the children, teens may still retain their values and think twice before taking a wrong step.

In the light of these arguments, I have no hesitation in reaffirming my wholehearted support for this proposition that suggests "Parents are the best teacher of a child".


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